I am unfortunate about the news. I do not have much time left to live – Ascot escort

The doctors told me that the most optimistic estimate for me to live is only a year. I do not have much time, and I have many things that I want to do. I ready have accepted my faith. I hope that I get to live the last year of my life as a happy human being who does not regret it. I do not believe that what happened to me was caused by anyone. It was entirely my fault, and I understand it. What I want to do in the last months that I live is to do what only a few people have done, like skydiving and swing the great wonders of the world. I do hope that I still have time left to do all of that. I still want to get married one day even though I am dying, and I have no chance of stopping it. I know that it may be unfair to the woman I am going to marry, but it is my wish. I want to meet a woman that is okay with getting married to me even though I am dying. I believe that she is still out there; I have to find her. I do not want to see my friends and family worry about me a time. It kills me even more. I do not want them to be sad because of me. They do not deserve it. They have done nothing to me but kindness and tenderness. I want them to accept my faith and move if immediately after I die. There is no point in them getting sad because of me. I understand their reactions, though, because I also witness much death in my lifetime. We all are going to die someday, and it’s a tough thing to accept. But all of the people I saw the killing did not witness one of them not taking it. All the people that had slowly died in front of me accepted their faith. Even though it is the hardest thing to do in life, I saw those brave people and face their faith. I want to be one of those people, so I act as courageous even though I am dying inside. No matter what, I will not let myself die in beauty and pain. I will live and die as a happy man. I also want to experience booking an Ascot escort. Booking Ascot escort from https://charlotteaction.org/ascot-escorts will be an excellent experience for me, I am sure of it. I am sure that if I book Ascot escorts, I will not regret it at all.

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