How to Sleep Better in Your Bedroom with Feng shui

Are you having trouble sleeping? One of the gents that I see a lot of here at Earls Court escorts, told me that he is not sleeping very well. He has just moved to this new house in this part of London, and he says that it does not feel right. I said I would pop around to check it as I am really interested in Feng shui. It sounded very much like he had not got his bedroom design right and that was stopping him from sleeping well.

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The first thing that I noticed was that his bed was facing away from the door. When it comes to energy flowing around the bedroom, that is not the best solution at all. This is not a service that I normally provide for my gents at Earls Court escorts, but I wanted to help this guy as it was clear that he is was sleeping badly. We moved his bed around and I told him to make sure that it stayed in that position to make sure that he got good chi when he slept.

As soon as we had moved the bed around, I noticed that he had now ended up with a mirror facing the bed.. This is one of the worst case scenarios in the bedroom, and I had to arrange for the mirror to be moved. If you want to make the most of Feng shui, you should not have any mirrors in the bedroom at all. Many of the gents that I date at Earls Court escorts think that it is sexy with a mirror over the bed, but it is one of the worst things. A mirror above or near the bed is not going to improve your sex life at all.

You also want to look at the colours in your bedroom. My gent from Earls Court escorts had all dark colours in his bedroom and seemed to think that was okay. Personally I found it rather suffocating, and I told him that dark colours in Feng shui should be kept to a minimum. I am not sure that he is going to change everything but he should really get rid of all of the dark colours in his bedroom and replace them with neutral ones to make sure that he sleeps better.

Some people seem to really grasp the concept of Feng shui naturally. It is all a matter of balance with colors and objects. My boudoir at Earls Court escorts have been decorated according to the laws of Feng shui. It works really well, and it does make you feel good about yourself. Most of the gents that I date do say that they feel good in my boudoir and so do other visitors. Feng shui is a very ancient art form and science, and I am sure that a lot of people would benefit from the principles of Feng shui. It does not have to cost a fortune to fix up your home in accordance with Feng shui principles, and I think that we should all consider the benefits of a healthy home.

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